Dorn Method &                                             Breuss Massage
Healing through the Spine

Welcome to the Dorn Method & Breuss Massage    

Welcome to a fairly new healing system in South Africa!

The Dorn Method is a holistic manual technique and self-help method for the gentle and safe correction of the spine, pelvis and the other joints.

Very effective yet easy to learn the Dorn Method & Breuss Massage the truly holistic approach assists the body to gain balance and harmony on a physical, emotional and energetic level. 

The Breuss Massage is a wonderful gentle intervertebral spine and disc massage that  complements the Dorn treatment.


Are you out of balance, are you suffering of muscular-skeletal pains or organ related conditions?

 Find a Dorn Practitioner in your area to help you  bring your body-mind-spirit and health back into harmony and learn to help yourself. 


Are you interested in learning an effective and easy method to help yourself and others?

 Find out more about upcoming trainings in-person and now also live-online. 

Be part of a global network of Dorn practitioners!